Artur MenezesArtur Menezes

Artur Menezes

Renowned for his signature sound, Artur Menezes partners with Euphony Pickups to offer Stratocaster enthusiasts something truly special. The result of this partnership is a set of single coils pickups with precision and dynamism, ensuring pristine sounds across all playing styles. Inspired by Artur's vision, Euphony Pickups provides unparalleled sound quality for every guitarist.


- Low-charged Alnico 5 magnets. - Bridge: 6.5k, Middle: 6.0k, and Neck: 5.9k. - No RWRP (all 3 pickups are wound in the same direction with north magnet polarization). - True double-coated Heavy Formvar coil wire (same as on the '60s pickups). - Scatterwound
Artur Menezes

Artur Menezes

A recent Guitar Player Magazine nominee for Best New Blues Guitarists. Arturs newest EP, AM/FM was released in September ‘23 with Black Hill Records. Los Angeles based, Brazilian artist Artur Menezes’’ playing is a distinctive blend of fiery, hard-rocking blues that at times borders on shred, combined with an ability to effortlessly switch gears into swinging, jazz grooves. His Brazilian roots add a unique flavor to the mix and further distinguish his playing from that of his contemporaries. Menezes' songwriting sparkles as it switches between straight-ahead blues and funk flavored workouts, and his vocals channel the deep emotional content of his songs as effectively as his guitar playing. Arturs newest EP, AM/FM was released in September ‘23 with Black Hill Records. In addition to this release, his latest album, Fading Away, (produced by Josh Smith and featuring a guest appearance from Joe Bonamassa), was a serious step up in both writing and playing. These have laid down a clear marker for his place among the front-runners of the new breed of blues guitar heroes.
"I love how these pickups are able to deliver the sounds I have in my head. They are very dynamic, touch sensitive, percussive and balanced. They sound great for everything from clean to heavier sounds. I mostly play fuzz pedals and they sound amazing with them! With overdrive it sounds very SRV alike!"
Artur Menezes

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